Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineering – This four-day course is designed to provide non-engineering petroleum industry technical professionals with a thorough overview of most key aspects of petroleum engineering technology and its applications. The course addresses engineering issues ranging from initial involvement with explorationists to production optimization challenges. The sessions will focus on relevant and practical issues, and will include a combination of classroom exercises and basic engineering problems.
1. Basic Petroleum Geology
2. Reservoir Fluid and Rock Properties
3. Fundamentals of Reservoir Fluid Flow
4. Oil and Gas Reservoir Classification
5. Oil and Gas Reservoir Delineation and Development
6. Drilling Fundamentals
7. Well Completions and Workovers
8. Casing and Cementing
9. Production Operations and Optimization
10. Primary Recovery Mechanisms
11. Enhanced Recovery Mechanisms
Instructor Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineering
Dr. Ir. Nur Suharscaryo., MT dan Team
Audiens Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineering
Operator, Senior Operator, Engineer / Non Engineer, Supervisor dan Manager non Engineering
Schedule Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineering
Tanggal :27 – 29 Agustus 2018
Waktu : (08.00 – 16.00 WIB)
Tempat : Yogyakarta
In House Training: Depend on request
Facility Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineering
- Training kit
- Hard and soft copy materi
- Sertifikat
- Souvenir
- 2x coffee break and lunch
- Transportasi antar jemput selama training
Payment can be made at the time of registration or via bank transfer to acc:
PT Bank Mandiri Cabang KH Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
Acc. No. 137-00-0786993-2