Programmable Logic Controller Using Allen Bradley Control Logix 5000/Rslogix5000
DESKRIPSI & TUJUAN | This course is designed for engineers who need to design and configure a ControlLogix system. The objective of this course is to provide sufficient knowledge and experience to be able to develop, configure and program a ControlLogix system. The configuration portion of the course covers online communication with a ControlLogix system, data organisation of the Logix5550 processor and data exchange over multi-protocol networks. Configuration of the DH+/RIO gateway, ControlNet gateway and Ethernet gateway modules will be covered in lecture and lab exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to use the tools RSLogix5000, ControlLogix Gateway and RS Networks for ControlNet software. To provide delegates with a detailed view of an Allen Bradley ControlLogix Control System, its design, major components, programming methods and operation. |
MATERI | 1. Introduction to ControlLogix ™2. Overview of RSLogix5000 ™3. ControlLogix ™ Architecture4. ControlLogix ™ Memory
5. Project Organization 6. Data File Types 7. ControlLogix ™ Bit 8. Instructions 9. Timer Instructions 10. Counter Instructions 11. Data Collecting 12. File/ Data Manipulations 13. Shift Registers/ Sequencers 14. Program Control Instructions 15. Documenting Programs 16. Communications 17. Lab Work & Case Studies |
PEMATERI | Ir. Edwin Ardiansyah, Operational Director PT. MEET, Jakarta, Integrator System ALLEN BRADLEY PLC, expert in operation of CONTROL LOGIX 5000/RSLOGIX5000 |
PESERTA | Senior Technician, Maintenance, Engineers dealt with industrial control and automation, especially working with PLC |
METODE | Presentation, Discussion, Simulation, Case Study, Evaluation |
WAKTU & TEMPAT | This training will be held on March 14th – 16th 2011 Shantika Hotel , Yogyakarta |
Course Fee | Training Fee: Rp. 7.000.000,- / peserta ( non residensial )Special Rate: Rp.6.500.000,-/peserta (non residensial) untuk pengiriman minimal 3 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama.
Registration should be made 5 days prior to the implementation of training. Number of attendees must be in accordance with the number of participants registered. If the number of attendees does not match with the number of participants registered, then the company must pay the training cost as much as the number of participants that are registered in the official enrollment / registration form that has been sent to us.
Payment can be made at the time of registration or via bank account:
PT Bank Mandiri Cabang KH Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta Acc. No. 137-00-0786993-2 a/n CV JOGJA TRAINING & CAREER CENTER |
JOGJA TRAINING & CAREER CENTER (JTCC)Jl. Cendana No.5 YogyakartaPhone: 0274-419936 Fax: 0274-419936Email Website: Contact Person: Upie Mobile: 0858 8027 8869 PIN BB 2778BF37 |
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